5 S (s) + 2 P (s) P2S5 (s)

This is an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction:

2 P0 - 10 e- 2 PV (oxidation)

5 S0 + 10 e- 5 S-II (reduction)

P is a reducing agent, S is an oxidizing agent.


  • S
    • Names: Sulfur source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-07source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04, S source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-07, Sulphur source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-07source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04
    • Appearance: Yellow solid in various forms source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04
  • P


    • P2S5
      • Names: Phosphorus decasulfide source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27, Phosphorus sulfide source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02, Sulfur phosphide source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02
      • Appearance: Greenish-gray to yellow solid source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27; Yellow-to-green crystals with characteristic odour source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04; Greenish-gray to yellow, crystalline solid with an odor of rotten eggs. source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02