2 Fe + C Fe2C

This is an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction:

C0 + 4 e- C-IV (reduction)

2 Fe0 - 4 e- 2 FeII (oxidation)

C is an oxidizing agent, Fe is a reducing agent.


  • Fe
    • Names: Iron source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-07, Fe source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-07, Element 26 source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-07
  • C
    • Names: Carbon black source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02, Acetylene black source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02, Channel black source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02
    • Appearance: Odourless black pellets or extremely fine powder source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04; Black, odorless solid. source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02


  • Fe2C
2Fe +C = Fe2C ^Ignoring the coefficient before the compound